Sunday, July 27, 2014

Still no access to mother's pension - bureaucracy and rules supreme

There must be a reason for results like "The more people are exposed to socialism, the worse they behave".

I was thinking of my own experiences, including not being successful in getting access to the full pension of my disabled mother.  I can easily imagine persisting and finding a "solution"(more like a work-around) to this problem if I had monetary problems.

The complaint to RBI resulted in a response -  contact the bank or  its head office. The complaint to the bank resulted in a response with the mail being forwarded to another department. And nothing after that.

The complaint to the Central Pension Accounts Office resulted in a reply  asking for some details and silence after that.

I am certain that had I persisted, the operational staff at the bank, in addition to being sympathetic, would have offered a way out. I am also certain that the way out would have required lying at the very least.

Why do societies which have welfare of the people as the primary goal create rules which assume that the person seeking help cannot be trusted :(

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